australian wallabees
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You Know You’re In Australia When

Big, brash, beautiful, booming…Australia is larger than life. It feels like the USA on lots of levels but with an extra swagger in its step. They’ve largely descended from convicts, they live among the world’s deadliest animals, and their GDP has quadrupled since 2003…so they’re feelin baller. Then add in the world’s largest reef, the…

The Best of the Outback: Kakadu, Australia
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The Best of the Outback: Kakadu, Australia

Why come to Australia? If we had to choose one reason, we’d say The Outback. Sure, this country has gorgeous beaches, ancient forests, world-class cities, but this wild landscape and its cultural identity is so uniquely Australian, it can’t be found anywhere else in the world. The Outback by definition is the vast, remote, rugged,…

Road Trip to the World’s Oldest Rainforest
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Road Trip to the World’s Oldest Rainforest

Ten million years older than the Amazon, Daintree is the most ancient rainforest in the world. And if being 180 million years old wasn’t awesome enough, it grows along some of Australia’s finest beaches. Rainforest plus reef? Count us in! Now the question was how to to get there from Cairns. Bus, tour, rental car,…

Australia Art Map
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The Gateway to Australia: Sydney Travel Guide

Despite being on the other side of the world, Australia seems to be one of those places everyone has a connection. Friends and friends-of-friends kept sending us their travel recommendations, enthusiastic for us to explore the land of Oz. I think Americans have a particular fascination with Australia, because of all our similarities–from the Aussies’…