You Know You’re In Antarctica When…
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You Know You’re In Antarctica When…

A continent without any countries. A desert covered in frozen water. A population dominated by penguins, seals, and whales. A summer climate hovering around 0°C …Antarctica is like nothing we’ve ever experienced. Having seen documentaries, read books, and heard vivid first-hand accounts, it still surprised us and surpassed our lofty expectations. After a 12-day expedition…

Santo Domingo Nightlife
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You Know You’re In The Dominican Republic When…

We’ve been to a dozen Latin countries but none have rhythm and joy quite like the Dominican Republic. The sounds of salsa, merengue, and bachata seem to come from every direction, and you can’t help but smile and shake your rump. With an abundance of good music and good rum, everything is more chilled out…spending…

australian wallabees
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You Know You’re In Australia When

Big, brash, beautiful, booming…Australia is larger than life. It feels like the USA on lots of levels but with an extra swagger in its step. They’ve largely descended from convicts, they live among the world’s deadliest animals, and their GDP has quadrupled since 2003…so they’re feelin baller. Then add in the world’s largest reef, the…

inle lake fishermen
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You Know You’re In Myanmar When…

Even after 50 years under a military regime, Myanmar’s smiles can’t be suppressed. The people have a resilience and inner joy that cut through their dark past and unstable present. Life’s not easy in former Burma but no matter the conditions–stoking a kiln in 100-degree heat, paving roads in flip-flops, hauling 80-pounds of bamboo on…

You Know You’re in China When….
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You Know You’re in China When….

When it came time to go through our “You Know You’re In…” file for China, it was bulging at the seams! A country that doesn’t give a damn what other people think, this behemoth is bold, brash, and beautiful. While some stereotypes like incessant spitting were true, the streets were cleaner, the people friendlier, and…