Roatan Travel Guide
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Roatán, Honduras: Paradise doesn’t come easy

A listing on TrustedHousesitters advertised: “A 2.5-month housesit on the Caribbean island of Roatán with ocean views, private beach access, a short walk along the sand to the coolest part of town, no bills to pay, and just two cats to care for.” Sounds too good to be true right? “It’s perfect for a younger,…

Mazatlán, Mexico: Home Away from Home
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Mazatlán, Mexico: Home Away from Home

Where would we like to revisit, live, or retire? We have very different answers to these commonly asked questions, but when it comes to our “golden years” … Mazatlán, Mexico has dibs on us. With 300+ days of sunshine per year, beachside apartments for less than $250/month, incredible food, affordable health care, and a two-hour…

You Know You’re in Mozambique When….
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You Know You’re in Mozambique When….

We experienced Mozambique by train, bus, taxi, pick-up truck, kayak, chapa van, 18-wheeler (sitting in the back with the cargo!), dhow sail boat, row boat, and a few other modes of transport during our stay in this fascinating country. Each step gave us invaluable insight and access into the inner workings of Mozambique, its people,…