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  • Sale! Glamping Book

    Signed Copy of Comfortably Wild: The Glamping Book

    Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $34.00.

    The Ultimate Glamping Guide
    Think outside the big-box hotels and discover North America’s most inspiring outdoor getaways. Traveling 73,000 miles across 9 countries, Mike and Anne of found the 70 best glamping destinations on the continent and the deeper meaning of this trending topic. More than a collection of gorgeous accommodations, Comfortably Wild offers transformative experiences and practical advice to mobilize a lifetime of unforgettable adventures.

    Order your copy of Comfortably Wild, signed by the authors Mike & Anne Howard. *Autographed copies only available on!*

    If you’d like the book personalized to you or a gift recipient, put their name in the “Order Notes” when you checkout, and we’ll write them a special note.

  • Sale! couples travel guide

    Ultimate Journeys for Two – Engagement Gift

    Original price was: $27.99.Current price is: $25.00.

    Dream Big. Love More. Go Farther.

    Order your copy the best engagement gift, Nat Geo’s first book on couples adventure travel, signed by the authors Mike & Anne Howard. Autographed copies only available on!

    Sending Ultimate Journeys for Two as a gift? PLEASE let us know the recipient’s name in the “Order Notes” field when you checkout, and we will write them a special note. If you’d like the book addressed to you or without any name please indicate that in the notes field as well…we want it to be exactly as you wish!