As you can imagine, traveling full-time for the last 4,509 days, through 80 countries, across all 7 continents…ALL while running HoneyTrek…is a pretty crazy experience. On top of that, we do not have any other team members or helpers, everything you see on HoneyTrek (and all the things you don’t see) is done by myself and Anne. This includes: shooting our photos/videos, editing our photos/videos, producing content for social media, writing our books, producing blogs, landing partnerships, invoicing and billing said partners, doing our taxes, booking our travels…and so many other things behind the scenes that help HoneyTrek keep running smooth.
To make all the magic happen, we have a few tricks up our sleeve, and a few partners we use on a consistent basis. Below are a few of our favorite partners, that we thought you might like to check out, in hopes they might help you become a valuable arrow your quiver of awesome!
Go forth and make the magic family!
Mike & Anne